OsteoStrong works for people of all ages and impacts the entire body in many ways using a process called Osteogenic Loading.
In just 10 minutes per week, you increase strength & bone density, improve posture, balance and athletic performance.
OsteoStrong impacts immunity through our technology, as well as our other modalities including PEMF and red light therapy.
Sessions are quick, painless, and results are measurable and happen quickly.
Echolight® REMS is an innovative bone health monitoring technology called REMS (Radiofrequency Echographic Multi Spectrometry) that is revolutionizing the way bone health specialists assess and monitor not only bone density, but also bone quality for more complete bone health insight.
Schedule Your REMS Bone ScanComplimentary Consultation
An Osteogenic Loading Routine
Whole Body Vibration
Normatec Compression Therapy
P.E.M.F. Mat
Red Light Therapy
Meet the faces of the OsteoStrong South Hill Team! Our coaches are skilled, passionate and are just plain fun to be around. Say hello to our owner, Lorie, alongside our coaches Jenny, Cassie, Carrie - and more!
meet the crew